Webberville at Portland St. Patrick – – Eight Man Football – – The Bleacher Denizen – – September 7, 2024 – – by Chuck Krafft

Tonight, your Bleacher Denizen is off to Portland High for the second night in a row. Last night he covered Portland High’s Raiders against Olivet. https://thebleacherdenizen.com/2024/09/07/olivet-at-portland-football-the-bleacher-denizen-september-6-2024-by-chuck-krafft/ (I included this link in case some of you are interested in it.)

In tonight’s game, the Shamrocks from Portland St. Patrick are hosting the Spartans from Webberville. Webberville won last week’s opening game 42-0 over Ashley. St. Patrick opened its season with a 67-12 win over Coleman.

It is now time to look at the events of this game through the occasionally clear lenses of an Aging Bleacher Denizen whose football career never really got off the ground. He was showing a lot of progress as someone who could block field goals and extra point kicks, however, everything fell apart when the football powers-that-be ruled that he could no longer use his pogo stick for elevation.

Cole Norris kicked off for Webberville to open the game. Hudson King fielded his kick on the St. Patrick 24 yard line and gained sixteen yards before he was stopped.

St. Patrick started its opening series on its own 40 yard line.

Hudson King took the ball to the right for a two yard first down gain. A second down penalty cost St. Patrick five yards. Hudson King went to the right on the second down replay and gained four yards before he ran into Austin Johnson. Brayden Simon went to the right for a seven yard third down gain; Brodee Tyler got the stop for the Spartans. Brady Leonard went to the left for a thirty-two yard fourth down gain; Cole Morris made the Webberville tackle.

St. Patrick had a first down on the Webberville 30 yard line.

Jerryd Scheurer took the ball around the left side for an eleven yard gain and another first down.

Hudson King ran the ball to the left and gained four first down yards before he ran into Landon Taylor. On the next play, Brayden Simon ran for a five yard touchdown. Charlie Thelen made the long snap, Brady Leonard held the ball and Brody Beckhold booted the ball through the uprights for a successful extra point. With 8:32 remaining in the first quarter, St. Patrick had a 7-0 lead.

Ben White kicked the ball off to the Webberville 5 yard line where the Spartan receiver caught the ball with his knee on the ground. Webberville started off its first series of the game on its own 5 yard line.

Brayden Simon and Landon Simpson teamed up to stop Webberville’s first down run for a one yard loss. Brodee Tyler gained two yards on first down before he ran into Caleb Pline and Aiden Mosser. Austin Johnson passed to Kaleb Norton for a three yard third down gain; Augustus Teachworth made the Shamrock tackle. Austin Johnson punted for Webberville on fourth down. Jerryd Scheurer caught the punt for St. Patrick. Dominic Driver tackled him almost immediately and the Shamrocks had a first down on the Spartan 30 yard line.

Hudson King went to the right for a two yard gain before he was stopped by a phalanx of Spartans. Jerryd Scheurer went to the right for a nine yard second down gain before Brodee Tyler took him down. St. Patrick had a first down.

Brady Leonard tossed the ball to Charlie Thelen for a nineteen yard touchdown. Charlie Thelen made the long snap, Brady Leonard held the ball and Brady Beckhold kicked the successful extra point to give the Shamrocks a 14-0 lead with 5:24 to play in the first quarter.

Ben White’s kickoff was fielded by Landon Taylor on the Spartan 14 yard line. He returned it fourteen yards before he was stopped by Augustus Teachworth. Webberville started its series on its own 28 yard gain.

The Shamrock line stopped Webberville’s first down run up the middle for no gain. Charlie Thelen and Aiden Mosser teamed up to stop the Webberville second down run to the left for a one yard loss. Austin Johnson gained seventeen yards on a run up the right side before he stepped out of bounds to give his Spartans a first down on their own 44 yard line.

Brodee Tyler gained one yard on a first down run before Caleb Pline tackled him. There was a penalty on Webberville’s second down run and the Spartans lost ten yards. Mason Simon intercepted Webberville’s third down pass at the St. Patrick 46 yard line. The Shamrocks started their next series there.

Hudson King gained eleven yards on a sweep play run to the right side to earn a first down. Brodee Tyler made the tackle for the Spartans.

Kaleb Norton chased the quarterback out of the pocket on St. Patrick’s first down play. Brady Leonard managed to get back to the line of scrimmage and gain a yard before Austin Johnson tackled him. Brady Leonard’s second down quarterback keeper up the middle earned eleven yards and another Shamrock first down before Kyle Kubiak took him down.

Jerryd Scheurer went to the left for a six yard first down gain before he was stopped by Joshua Boschma. On second down, Brayden Simon went up the left tackle for five yards and another first down before he was stopped by James Huff.

Brady Leonard then completed a twenty yard pass to Charlie Thelen for a Shamrock touchdown.

Charlie Thelen snapped the ball, Brady Leonard held the ball and Brody Beckhold booted it through the uprights to give St. Patrick a 21-0 lead with 55 seconds to play in the opening quarter.

Ben White kicked the ball off to the Spartan 19 yard line where Landon Taylor grabbed it and ran for a an eighteen yard gain before Landon Simpson stopped him. Webberville had a first down on its own 37 yard line.

Landon Simpson and Augustus Teachworth teamed up to stop Webberville’s first down run for a one yard gain. On the final play of the first quarter, Augustus Teachworth stopped Webberville’s second down run for a two yard loss.

At the end of the first quarter, St. Patrick held a 21-0 lead. Webberville had a third down with eleven yards to go on its own 36 yard line.

On the first play of the third quarter, Brayden Simon and Augustus Teachworth chased the Spartan Quarterback out of the pocket and forced an intentional grounding violation. Austin Johnson punted for Webberville on fourth down. Jerryd Scheurer caught the punt around the St. Patrick 42 yard line and returned it about ten yards before he was tackled to give the Shamrocks a first down on the Spartan 48 yard line.

A delay of game penalty moved St. Patrick back five yards. (To clarify things, I’m referring to the Shamrock football team and not to the Saint personally.) On the next play, Joshua Boschma intercepted a Shamrock pass and around the fifty yard line and returned it to the St. Patrick 36 yard line before he was forced out of bounds.

Austin Johnson went to the left and gained two yards on first down before Charlie Thelen and Augustus Teachworth forced him out of bounds. Augustus Teachworth stopped the second down run for a one yard gain; a penalty on the play cost Webberville ten yards. Landon Simpson covered for the Shamrocks on the Spartan incomplete pass on the the second down replay. Charlie Thelen sacked the Spartan quarterback for a nine yard loss on third down. Austin Johnson completed a fourth yard pass to Kaleb Matiyow on fourth down; Augustus Teachworth got the tackle for the Shamrocks. Webberville did not have enough yards for a first down, so St. Patrick took over the ball on its own 42 yard line.

Brayden Simon went up the left tackle for a nine yard first down gain; Joshua Boschma made Webberville’s tackle. On the next play, Hudson King ran through the middle for a forty-nine yard touchdown. St. Patrick’s extra point kick failed. With 8:10 remaining in the first half, St. Patrick had a 27-0 lead.

Ben White kicked the ball off to the Webberville 13 yard line where Dominic Driver caught it and gained about thirteen yards before he ran into Gabe Wernet and Aiden Mosser. Webberville had a first down on its 25 yard line.

Charlie Thelen got into the Spartan backfield on first down and forced a six yard loss. Austin Johnson gained three yards on a second down run around the left end before Aiden Mosser knocked him out of bounds. Augustus Teachworth covered on a Spartan incomplete third down pass. Brodee Tyler gained one yard on his fourth down run before Ben White tackled him.

St. Patrick took over the ball on downs on Webberville’s 24 yard line.

Joshua Boschma stopped the St. Patrick first down run around the right end for a one yard loss. Brady Leonard got chased out of the backfield on second down, but maintained his composure and ran for a 25 yard touchdown. St. Patrick faked a kick on the extra point play; Brady Leonard, the holder (and quarterback when St. Patrick is running its offense) tossed the ball to Augustus Teachworth for a successful two point conversion to give St. Patrick a 35-0 lead with 6:14 remaining in the first half.

Ben White kicked the ball off to around the Webberville 15 yard line where Dominic Driver caught it and gained about fifteen yards. Webberville started its series on its own 30 yard line.

Austin Johnson recovered from a bad snap, scrambled and passed the ball to Dominic Driver for a forty-three yard gain that moved the ball up to the St. Patrick 12 yard line before Landon Simpson tackled him.

Mason Simon and Caleb Pline teamed up to sack Webberville’s quarterback for a three yard loss on first down. Aiden Mosser knocked the Spartan second down runner out of bounds for a two yard loss. Austin Johnson was chased out of the backfield on third down, but alertly ran for an eleven yard gain before Mason Simon tackled him to prevent a touchdown. On fourth down, Austin Johnson passed to Camdyn Bucchanon for an eight yard touchdown.

A penalty on the play forced Webberville to try to score its extra point from the 18 yard line. Brayden Simon tackled the Spartan runner short of the goal line and Webberville’s two point conversion attempt failed. With 3:21 left on the first half clock, Webberville trimmed the St. Patrick lead to 35-6.

Cole Morris kicked the ball off to the St. Patrick 33 yard line where Caleb Pline fielded it and made a nice gain, but a Shamrock penalty moved the ball back to the St. Patrick 30 yard line.

Brayden Simon took the ball to the left for an eight yard first down gain; Trever Hoye made the Spartan stop. Brodee Tyler stopped the Shamrock second down run to the right for a one yard gain. Brayden Simon’s third down run up the middle earned six yards and a first down before Kaleb Norton tackled him.

A penalty moved the Shamrocks back five yards. Joshua Boschma stopped the Shamrock second down run to the right for a two yard loss. On third down, Brady Leonard tossed the ball to Brayden Simon in stride; he went down the field for a fifty-seven yard touchdown. Charlie Thelen snapped the ball, Brady Leonard held the ball and Brody Beckhold kicked the successful extra point to give St. Patrick a 42-6 lead with 54 seconds to play in the first half.

Ben White kicked the ball to the Webberville 13 yard line where Landon Taylor caught it and gained sixteen yards before Ben White tackled him. Webberville had a first down on its own 29 yard line.

A false start penalty cost the Spartans five yards. Landon Simpson intercepted Webberville’s first down pass on the Spartan 48 yard line. St. Patrick started its next series there.

Brady Leonard kept the ball and ran to the left side for a twenty-nine yard gain before he stepped out of bounds.

On the next play, Jerryd Scheurer took the ball around the right end for a nineteen yard touchdown. Charlie Thelen snapped the ball, Brady Leonard held it and Brody Beckhold kicked the successful extra point to give St. Patrick a 49-6 lead with just 22 seconds to play in the first half.

Ben White kicked the ball to the Spartan 12 yard line where Landon Taylor fielded it and gained about twenty-three yards before Landon Simpson tackled him. Webberville had a first down on its own 35 yard line.

On the final play of the first half, Austin Johnson ran out of the pocket and gained thirty-five yards before Gabe Wernet tackled him around the St. Patrick 35 yard line to prevent a touchdown.

At halftime, St. Patrick held a 49-6 lead. I correctly predicted that St. Patrick would also lead 49-6 at the opening of quarter number three and nearly injured my shoulder patting myself on the back. (Mom always said you should allow others to compliment you; I guess she was right.)

At halftime, St. Patrick introduced each of its fifth grade through eighth grade football players as they ran out on to the field.

To open the second half, Ben White kicked the ball off to the Webberville fifteen yard line where Dominic Driver caught it and returned it thirty-three yards before Gavin Groothuis forced him out of bounds. Webberville had a first down on its own 48 yard line.

Brodee Tyler took the ball to the middle and gained two first down yards before Brayden Simon and Ben White stopped him. Brodee Tyler gained four yards on a run up the right tackle before he ran into Augustus Teachworth. Brodee Tyler gained four yards on third down; Aiden Mosser and Charlie Thelen teamed up for the Shamrock channel. After a measurement, it was ruled the Webberville was inches short of a first down. Austin Johnson responded with a five yard fourth down gain for a first down. Aiden Mosser got the stop for St. Patrick.

Gabe Wernet covered for St. Patrick on the Webberville incomplete first down pass. Austin Johnson completed a second down pass to Dominic Driver for a twelve yard gain to give the Spartans a first down on the Shamrock 25 yard line.

Gabe Wernet and Landon Simpson covered for St. Patrick on the Spartan incomplete first down pass. Brodee Tyler’s second down run up the left tackle gained two yards before Charlie Thelen and Aiden Mosser took him down. Brodee Tyler went to the right for a nine yard third down gain to give Webberville another first down. Gabe Wernet made the tackle for the Shamrocks.

Webberville suffered through a broken play, but Austin Johnson made the most of things and gained eleven yards to give Webberville a first down on the Shamrock three yard line. Brayden Simon made the tackle to prevent a Spartan touchdown.

Austin Johnson gained two yards on a first down run before he was stopped by a field of Shamrocks. Brayden Simon stopped the Spartan second down run for a one yard loss. The Shamrock line held strong and stopped the Spartan third down run for a one yard gain still short of the touchdown. Webberville fumbled on fourth down and St. Patrick took over the ball on downs on its own two yard line.

Brayden Simon gained six yards on a run up the right tackle; Landon Taylor made the stop for Webberville. Landon Taylor covered on St. Patrick’s incomplete second down pass. A false start penalty cost St. Patrick five yards. On the third quarter’s final play, Jerryd Scheurer gained two yards on a run to the left.

The third quarter ended with St. Patrick holding a 49-6 lead. The Shamrocks had a fourth down with seven yards to go on their own five yard line.

On the first play of the fourth quarter, Brayden Simon punted the ball to the Shamrock 48 yard line where Austin Johnson grabbed it and gained twenty-three yards up the right side before he ran into Augustus Teachworth and Hudson King. Webberville had a first down on the St. Patrick 25 yard line.

Brayden Simon stopped the Spartan first down run up the middle for a one yard gain. Austin Johnson fired the ball to Kyle Kubiak for a six yard second down gain; Aiden Mosser made the tackle for St. Patrick.

Landon Taylor ran up the right side for a twenty-five yard touchdown on third down. On the two point conversion attempt, Augustus Teachworth tackled the Spartan ball carrier before he could score. With 9:09 to play in the game, St. Patrick’s lead was at 49-12.

Cole Morris kicked the ball off to the Shamrock 31 yard line where Landon Simpson caught the ball and ran for a sixty-nine yard touchdown. Charlie Thelen snapped the ball, Brady Leonard held the ball and Brody Beckwith kicked the successful extra point to boost the Shamrocks to a 56-12 lead with 8:47 left on the clock.

Ben White’s kickoff went out of bounds and Webberville started its next series on its own 35 yard line.

Austin Johnson dodged, darted and evaded tacklers on his way to a twenty-five yard gain before Mason Simon and Emmet Fandel finally tackled him.

Gavin Groothuis got his hand on the Spartan incomplete first down pass. Webberville was called for holding on the play and lost ten yards.

Austin Johnson went around the right end for a five yard gain to give the Spartans a first down on the Shamrock 5 yard line.

Austin Johnson gained four yards around the left end before he ran into Shane Smith and Charlie Thelen. The Shamrock line sternly held Webberville’s second down run short of the goal line. On third down, Webberville fumbled the ball after a hit by Mason Simon; the Spartans recovered the ball, but lost seven yards. On fourth down, Gavin Groothuis intercepted the Spartan pass in the end zone. He ran the ball out of the end zone and gained about four yards before he was hit really hard. A penalty on Webberville gave St. Patrick a first down on its own 19 yard line.

Brayden Simon went to the left and gained twenty-two yards before he ran into Brodee Tyler.

On the next play, Jerryd Scheurer pitched the ball to Aiden Fandel, who broke several tackles and gained 55 yards before he was stopped on the Webberville 4 yard line.

The game was almost over at this point. St. Patrick took a knee on three consecutive plays to end the game.

St. Patrick won the game 56-12.

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