Goodrich at Frankenmuth – – Football – – The Bleacher Denizen – – August 29, 2024 – – by Chuck Krafft

Tonight, it looks like Frankenmuth will have to deal with a Martian Invasion!!! Fortunately, for Frankenmuth residents in 2024, this is not a live occurrence of the events documented in “War of the Worlds!” At least this time, the invading Martians will confine their activities to the football field at Frankenmuth High, where the Eagles will host the Martians from Goodrich.

This is the first game of the season, and like the traditional Phoenix, your Bleacher Denizen is arising from the ashes of last year’s baseball/softball season to cover this game. I suppose that could be a bit over-dramatic, but I’m excited about this opportunity to cover my Alma Mater against a strong opponent so early in the season!

I got to the field in time to stop by the concession stand and eat one of their bratwurst (made by Bernthal’s) before the game. It was truly bratwurst perfection and a fantastic way to get the game started. Frankenmuth has a lot of veterans keeping statistics, announcing and spotting in the press box. It was great to get a chance to say hello to them before the game. Their work makes my job taking notes very easy.
I’d also like to give a shoutout to Hugh Bernreuter, another Frankenmuth grad, who is covering the game for M-Live. He’s always been really supportive and great about answering questions (when your Bleacher Denizen wonders what a real journalist would do in a situation!)

Frankenmuth’s band played the Eagle fight song and then played the National Anthem as the Color Guard from the American Legion Post raised the flag! Frankenmuth’s band is always good and they did a fine job on the anthem!!

It’s time to take a look at this from the perspective of a Bleacher Denizen whose hopes for a career as an offensive lineman were dashed when the football powers that be refused to allow him to wear body armor on the line.

Goodrich won the coin toss and deferred their option to the second half, so the Martians kicked off to get the game started. Landon Williams kicked the ball to Cash Tedford, who fielded the ball around the five yard line and gained about twelve yards before he was tackled. Frankenmuth started its opening series on its own 17 yard line.

On the first play from scrimmage, Tanner Mazich intercepted the Eagle pass and appeared to return it for a touchdown. However, it was ruled that another Martian player stepped on the field as he was returning the interception, so the ball was brought back out the the Frankenmuth 35 yard line and Goodrich started its first possession from there.A

Tanner Mazich completed his first pass for a possible long gain, but the receiver was out of bounds on the play. Tanner Kroeger covered for the Eagles on the play. Aidan Hubbard and All-Stater Derrick Simmons stopped the Martian second down run for a one yard gain. Max Macklem gained four yards on a third down run before Jake Bennett took him down. Aidan Hubbard and Brady Lipka stopped the Martian fourth down pitch for a five yard loss.

Frankenmuth took over the ball on downs on their own 35 yard line.

Kobbi Ke’s first down run up the right tackle gained five yards before Chase Burnett tackled him. Aiden Labissoniere gained six yards on a second down run over the left tackle to earn an Eagle first down before Cole Bastion stopped his progress.

Tanner Mazich stopped the Eagle first down run for a one yard gain. Benjamin Sennabaum, Landon Williams and Colton Burnett teamed up to stop the Eagle second down run at the line of scrimmage. Colton Burnett tackled the Eagle third down run for a one yard gain. Aeden Teschendorf’s fourth down punt was downed by his teammate, Cash Tedford on the Goodrich 5 yard line where the Martians started their next series.

Aidan Hubbard and Ethan Edwards teamed up to stop the Goodrich first down run for no gain. On the next play, Logan Diener tackled the Martian ball carrier in the end zone for a safety.

With 6:02 to play in the first quarter, Frankenmuth had a 2-0 lead.

Landon Williams kicked the ball off (from the 20 yard line because of the Frankenmuth safety) to the Frankenmuth 25 yard line where Cash Tedford fielded it and dodged and darted his was for about thirty yards before the Martians’ Gavin Valley took him down.

Frankenmuth had a first down on the Goodrich 45 yard line.

Cash Tedford took the ball to the right side for a twelve yard gain before he was tackled by Chase Burnett.

Gavin Sukup stopped Frankenmuth’s first down run for a one yard loss. A false start penalty moved Frankenmuth back five yards. Landon Williams, Cole Bastion and Benjamin Sennabaum teamed up to stop Frankenmuth for a two yard loss on the replay of the second down. Aiden Labissoniere completed a third down pass to Kobbi Ke on the left sideline for a twenty-eight yard gain before Colton Roe knocked him out of bounds.

The Eagles had a first down on the Goodrich 13 yard line.

Kobbi Ke went to the right side for a five yard first down gain before Chase Burnett halted his progress. Logan Diener went to the left side for a four yard second down gain; Gavin Valley and Chase Burnett teamed up for the Goodrich tackle. Gavin Sukup stopped the Eagle third down run for a one yard loss. Hagan Wascher took a pitch to the left for a four yard gain and a first down at the Martian one yard line before he stepped out of bounds.

On the next play, Christian Paige took a pitch to the right for a one yard Frankenmuth touchdown run. Luke Purves snapped the ball, Hagan Wascher held the ball and Blake Zehnder booted it through the uprights for a successful extra point to give Frankenmuth a 9-0 lead with 2:17 left in the first quarter.

Blake Zehnder booted his kickoff to around the Martian 21 yard line where Gavin Valley fielded it and returned it about twenty-one yards before Logan Diener and Lawson DeBeau stopped him. Goodrich had a first down on their own 31 yard line.

Logan Diener stopped the Martian first down run for a one yard loss. On the next play, Tanner Mazich completed a pass to Landon Williams for a twenty-five yard gain. Aiden Labissoniere made the Eagle tackle. Goodrich had a first down on the Frankenmuth 45 yard line.

Logan Diener and Derrick Simmons teamed up to stop Goodrich’s first down run for a one yard gain. Chase Burnett took a second down pitch to the left for a three yard gain before Brady Lipka and Logan Diener took him down.

The first quarter ended at this point with Frankenmuth holding a 9-0 lead. Goodrich had a third down with six yards to go on the Frankenmuth 41 yard line.

Brady Lipka and Logan Diener teamed up to stop the Martian third down run for a one yard gain. Frankenmuth’s Hagan Wascher leaped and knocked the Goodrich fourth down pass out of the air. Frankenmuth took over the ball on downs on its own 41 yard line.

Kobbi Ke gained two yards on a first down run into the middle before Gavin Sukup took him down. Hagan Wascher gained seven yards on a second down pitch to the left; Tanner Mazich made the Martian tackle. Kobbi Ke’s third down run into the line gained six yards and earned a first down before Benjamin Sennabaum tackled him.

Kobbi Ke gained two yards on a first down run up the right tackle before Chase Burnett halted his progress. Logan Diener gained three yards on a second down run up the right tackle; Landon Williams made the Goodrich tackle. On third down, Aiden Labissoniere faked a handoff and gained three yards, but holding was caused and Frankenmuth was moved back to a third down with twelve yards to go situation. The officials called a double penalty on the fourth down play. Frankenmuth was assessed for a false start and Goodrich was penalized for a late hit.

When both penalties were walked off by the officials, Frankenmuth had a fourth down with two yards to do on the Goodrich 36 yard line. Logan Diener fought off several tackles and gained four yards to earn a first down for the Eagles. Chase Burnett made the tackle for Goodrich.

Kobbi Ke went to the left side for a four yard first down gain before Chase Burnett stopped him. Kobbi Ke went up the middle for a second down three yard gain; Chase Burnett and Ameir Lewis teamed up for the Martian tackle. Landon Williams and Colton Roe stopped the Eagle third down play for no gain. Landon Williams and Luke Alward defended on Frankenmuth’s incomplete fourth down pass.

Goodrich took over the ball on downs on their own 25 yard line.

On first down, Tanner Mazich withstood a fierce Eagle rush and completed a thirty-four yard pass to Max Macklem. Tanner Kroeger and Hagan Wascher made the Eagle tackle. The Martians had a first down on the Eagle 41 yard line.

A first down false start penalty moved Goodrich back five yards. On the first down replay, Carson Bouvy and Caleb Morgan teamed up to stop the Martian run for a two yard gain. Derrick Simmons stopped the Martian second down run for a four yard loss. Tanner Mazich completed a third down screen pass to Landon Williams for a four yard gain. Logan Diener and Brady Lipka made the Frankenmuth tackle. Tanner Mazich completed a fourth down pass to Max Macklem, who gained seven yards before Aiden Labissoniere took him down, but it was not enough for a first down.

Frankenmuth took over the ball on downs on their own 36 yard line.

Landon Williams and Cole Bastion stopped the Frankenmuth first down run for a three yard loss. Cash Tedford gained three yards on a second down run to the right; Benjamin Sennabaum made the stop for Goodrich. Kobbi Ke gained two yards on third down before Landon Williams tackled him, but Goodrich was whistled for a face mask penalty that gave Frankenmuth a first down on the Goodrich 47 yard line.

Landon Williams knocked the Eagle first down pass out of the air. Gavin Valley and Tanner Mazich covered on the Eagle incomplete second down pass. On the final play of the half, Gavin Sukup stopped the Frankenmuth pitch to the right for no gain.

Frankenmuth took a 9-0 lead into the locker room at halftime. If football conventions hold up, Frankenmuth will continue to lead 9-0 at the start of the second half.

Frankenmuth has not started its school year yet, but the band was able to do a short version of their halftime show. Chelsea Vander Graaff directs the band and they are led on the field by drum majors Emma Maki and Logan Mills. Band Member Katie Dennison designed the special T shirts the band wore.

This year’s Marching Band them is the “Totally 80s Marching Show.” (Totally!!!) They performed two songs, Queen’s “Crazy Little Thing Called Love” and “The Power of Love” by Huey Lewis and the News. Kudos to the band as they played both songs really well even with an extremely limited amount of rehearsal!!

Your Bleacher Denizen glanced at the board at the start of the third quarter, and AS HE PREDICTED – – – Frankenmuth continues to have a 9-0 lead. Your Bleacher Denizen mildly strained his right shoulder patting himself on the back for this, but luckily was able to continue taking notes for the second half.

Blake Zehnder kicked the second half opening kickoff to around the Martian 9 yard line where Gavin Valley grabbed it and gained about twenty yards before Aidan Hubbard and Logan Diener stopped him.

Goodrich began its first series of the second half on its own 29 yard line.

Tanner Mazich jetted through the line to the left side on first down and gained nine yards before Aiden Labissoniere and Caleb Morgan stopped him. Chase Burnett gained four yards up the middle to earn a first down on the next play; Caleb Morgan made the tackle for Frankenmuth.

Tanner Mazich’s first down run around the left end gained seven yards before Derrick Simmons stopped his progress. Goodrich recovered a fumble on second down, but lost three yards; Logan Diener and Brady Lipka got the tackle for Frankenmuth. A delay of game penalty cost Goodrich five yards. Another penalty cost Goodrich five more yards. (Your semi-observant Bleacher Denizen was not able to discern the reason.) Tanner Mazich was able to recover from a broken play and went up the left side for a sixteen yard gain before Tanner Kroeger and Brady Lipka forced him out of bounds.

Goodrich had a first down on the Frankenmuth 48 yard line.

Chase Burnett took the ball up the middle for a seven yard first down gain before Tanner Kroeger took him down. Aiden Labissoniere stopped the Martian second down run for now gain. Max Macklem went up the left side and used a great second effort to gain thirteen yards before Logan Diener stopped him. Goodrich had a first down on the Frankenmuth 28 yard line.

Tanner Mazich gained three yards on a first down run before Brady Lipka tackled him. Tanner Mazich went to the left for two second down yards before Logan Diener halted his progress. Cash Tedford stopped the Martian third down run for a three yard loss. On fourth down, Logan Diener put a lot of pressure on the quarterback and Hagan Wascher covered on the incomplete Martian pass.

Frankenmuth took over the ball on downs on its own 26 yard line.

Kobbi Ke went to the left for thirteen yards and a first down before Gavin Valley stopped him.

Kobbi Ke went through the line and up the middle for seventeen yards and another first down before Adrian De La O tackled him. Frankenmuth had a first down on the Goodrich 44 yard line.

Aiden Labissoniere ran for a nine yard first down gain to the left before Max Macklem pushed him out of bounds. Logan Diener went up the middle for a five yard gain and a first down before Benjamin Sennabaum stopped him.

Colton Burnett stopped the Eagle first down run for a two yard loss. On the next play, Hagan Wascher went to the right and cut back to the left on his way to a thirty-two yard touchdown run. Luke Purves snapped the ball, Hagan Wascher held the ball and Blake Zehnder kicked Frankenmuth’s successful extra point.

With 2:49 left on the third quarter clock, Frankenmuth had a 16-0 lead.

Blake Zehnder booted his kickoff to about the Goodrich 10 yard line where Adrian De La O caught it and returned it about fifteen yards before Timothy Greenwood and Lawson DeBeau tackled him.

Goodrich had a first down on its own 25 yard line.

Goodrich’s Chase Burnett alertly recovered a first down fumble, but Goodrich lost one yard on the play. Tanner Mazich’s second down pass to Max Macklem gained six yards; Aiden Labissoniere and Ethan Edwards made the Eagle tackle. Aidan Hubbard and Brady Lipka appeared to knock the entire Martian line backwards as they stopped the third down run for no gain.

The third quarter ended. Frankenmuth had a 16-0 lead. Goodrich had a fourth down with five yards to go on their own 40 yard line.

Landon Williams punted the ball for the Martians; his teammate, Cole Bastion downed the ball at the Frankenmuth 31 yard line where the Eagles started their first series of the fourth quarter.

Kobbi Ke gained twelve yards and earned a first down on a first down run to the right. Max Macklem made the tackle for Goodrich.

Hagan Wascher took the ball to the left for a two yard first down game before Colton Roe took him down. A false start penalty cost Frankenmuth five yards. On the second down replay, Hagan Wascher took a pitch to the right and gained eleven yards before Colton Roe tackled him. Hagan Wascher took the ball to the right on third down and fought off several tackles to gain five yards and earn a first down. Tanner Mazich made the tackle for Goodrich.

Frankenmuth had a first down on the Martian 44 yard line.

Hagan Wascher took the ball to the right for a five yard first down gain; Kash Bohlen got the tackle for the Martians. Colton Roe stopped the Eagle second down run for a one yard gain. Kobbi Ke gained three yards up the middle on third down before Benjamin Sennabaum halted him. An offside penalty cost Goodrich five yards and gave Frankenmuth a first down on the Goodrich 30 yard line.

On the next play, Kobbi Ke went through the line to the right and scampered thirty yards for an Eagle touchdown. Goodrich blocked the Frankenmuth extra point attempt.

With 7:00 left in the game, Frankenmuth had a 22-0 lead.

Blake Zehnder kicked the ball off to the Martian 12 yard line where Adrian De La O grabbed it and returned it about thirteen yards before Logan Diener stopped him with a huge hit.

Goodrich had a first down on their own 25 yard line.

Jaden Davis completed a nine yard first down screen pass to Max Macklem. Ethan Edwards made the tackle for Frankenmuth. Max Macklem gained two yards on second down and earned a first down; Derrick Simmons made the Eagle tackle.

Chase Burnett went up the middle for a five yard first down gain before he ran into Hagan Wascher and Jake Bennett. On second down, Brady Lipka and Carson Bouvy sacked the Martian Quarterback for an eight yard loss. There was some confusion on third down as Jaden Davis completed a screen pass to Max Macklem for an apparent short game. After an inadvertent whistle, Goodrich was penalized for an illegal shift.

When the play was over, Goodrich had third down with eighteen yards to go on their own 28 yard line. Derrick Simmons stormed into the backfield and blocked Goodrich’s pass on the third down repeat. Tanner Mazich punted the ball to the Eagle 42 yard line where Kash Bohlen downed the ball.

Frankenmuth had a first down on its own 42 yard line.

Colton Roe stopped Frankenmuth’s first down run for a one yard loss. Chase Burnett stopped the second down run for a four yard loss. On third down, Dominick Licavoli fought off a couple tackles for a three yard gain. Aeden Taschendorf punted the ball to the Goodrich 42 yard line on fourth down. Kash Bohlen fielded the punt and returned it two yards before Elijah Wenburg stopped him.

Goodrich had a first down on its own 44 yard line.

On the next play, Caleb Morgan delivered a hard hit and forced a Goodrich fumble. Carson Bouvy grabbed the loose ball and ran it in for a touchdown; the play was called back because of an illegal block and Frankenmuth ended up with the ball on its 30 yard line with about 1:15 left in the game.

Frankenmuth took a knee on the final three plays of the game.

Frankenmuth won its season opener against Goodrich by a 22-0 score!

Best of luck to the Goodrich Martians and Frankenmuth Eagles as they both complete their seasons!!

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